Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I see photojournalism becoming my future

Lynn Beach, Lynn Massachusetts. Photo by Amanda Aylwin
    Call me Boston. Everyone else in Ohio does.
     I grew up north of Boston in the city of Lynn, Massachusetts. I may live here, but I will always love that dirty water.
    I grew up on the beach. I think it's the ever- changing waves that first captured the attention of my lens. It was those waves that helped me see things change all the time, and if someone isn't there to capture that moment, it ends up lost in time.
    I have always taken the path less traveled; it has taken me be back a few steps in life. This time it took me forward to Ohio. After a long six months of confusion, uncertainty and the internal debate of turning around and going home, I feel I found my place in this world.
    I am currently photography student at Owens Community College. I am the sports editor for the Owens Outlook, where I am also a photographer and a journalist. I have always been a sports junkie, so being able to combine my two loves into one passion is the beginning of a new book in my life. 
    The idea of photojournalism never crossed my mind until I met Lori King. I was always unsure of what area of photography I wanted to go into. It wasn't until shadowing Lori at the Toledo Blade that I actually saw what photojournalism really meant. I was hooked instantly.
    The plan to further my education in the field of photojournalism started with taking the Intro to Photojournalism class, followed by working my tail off for the Owens Outlook, and then continuing picking as many brains as I can along the way. 
   My plan for the future is to be the person capturing the important events. I want to be the one who takes the pictures that the world wants to see: the pictures that will stand the test of time.
   Follow me on Twitter @myeyesaremylens for current sports scores and pictures. Check out my current work at the


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